Submission #297338

Source Code Expand

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import Text.Printf

type HHMM = Int
type Minute = Int
type Count = Int

type MinuteCountMap = M.IntMap Count
type Period = (Minute, Minute)

readPeriod :: String -> Period
readPeriod s = ((toMinute . read . take 4) s, (toMinute . read . drop 5) s)

showPeriod :: Period -> String
showPeriod (st, en) = printf "%04d-%04d" (toHHMM st) (toHHMM en)

toMinute :: HHMM -> Minute
toMinute x = (h * 60) + m
    h = x `div` 100
    m = x - (h * 100)

toHHMM :: Minute -> HHMM
toHHMM x = (h * 100) + m
    h = x `div` 60
    m = x - (h * 60)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    num <- getNumber
    ps <- getPeriods num
    let ps' = merge $ roundPeriod <$> ps
    mapM_ putStrLn ( showPeriod ps')

getNumber :: IO Int
getNumber = read <$> getLine

getPeriods :: Int -> IO [Period]
getPeriods num = do
    replicateM num (readPeriod <$> getLine)

roundPeriod :: Period -> Period
roundPeriod (st, en) = ((st `div` 5) * 5, ((en + 4) `div` 5) * 5)

merge :: [Period] -> [Period]
merge ps = ps'
    cm = foldl' addPeriodToCountMap M.empty ps
    (ps', _, _) = M.foldrWithKey' cumsum ([], 0, 0) cm

addPeriodToCountMap :: MinuteCountMap -> Period -> MinuteCountMap
addPeriodToCountMap m (st, en) = addToCountMap en (-1) (addToCountMap st 1 m)

addToCountMap :: Minute -> Count -> MinuteCountMap -> MinuteCountMap
addToCountMap mi c m = case M.lookup mi m of
    Nothing -> M.insert mi c m
    Just c' -> case c'' of
                0 -> M.delete mi m
                _ -> M.insert mi c'' m
    c'' = c + c'

cumsum :: Minute -> Count -> ([Period], Count, Minute) -> ([Period], Count, Minute)
cumsum mi c (ps, ac, en) = case ac' of
    0 -> ((mi, en) : ps, 0, 0)
    _ -> case en of
            0 -> (ps, ac', mi)
            _ -> (ps, ac', en)
    ac' = ac + c

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task D - 感雨時刻の整理
User fujiyan
Language Haskell (GHC 7.4.1)
Score 0
Code Size 1989 Byte
Status CE

Compile Error

    Not in scope: c'
    Perhaps you meant one of these: `c' (line 71), c'' (line 77)