Submission #108148

Source Code Expand

deg,dis = gets.split.collect{|a|a.to_i}

deg = deg*10

if 1125<=deg and deg<16875 then d="E" end
if 19125<=deg and deg<34875 then d="W" end
if 28125<=deg or deg<7875 then d="N"+d end
if 10125<=deg and deg<25875 then d="S"+d end
if 5625<=deg and deg<12375 then d="E"+d end
if 23625<=deg and deg<30375 then d="W"+d end
if 32625<=deg or deg<3375 then d="N"+d end
if 14625<=deg and deg<21375 then d="S"+d end

if d=="EE" or d=="WW" or d=="SS" or d=="NN" then d=d[0] end

v = (dis.to_f/60).round(1)*10
case v
when 0..2 then w=0
when 3..15 then w=1
when 16..33 then w=2
when 34..54 then w=3
when 55..79 then w=4
when 80..107 then w=5
when 108..138 then w=6
when 139..171 then w=7
when 172..207 then w=8
when 208..244 then w=9
when 245..284 then w=10
when 285..326 then w=11

if w==0 then d="C" end
puts "#{d} #{w}"

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task C - 風力観測
User calc
Language Ruby (1.9.3)
Score 100
Code Size 860 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 63 ms
Memory 4352 KB

Judge Result

Set Name all
Score / Max Score 100 / 100
AC × 66
Set Name Test Cases
all 00_sample_01.txt, 00_sample_02.txt, 00_sample_03.txt, 00_sample_04.txt, 00_sample_05.txt, 00_sample_06.txt, 00_sample_07.txt, 00_sample_08.txt, test_01.txt, test_02.txt, test_03.txt, test_04.txt, test_05.txt, test_06.txt, test_07.txt, test_08.txt, test_09.txt, test_10.txt, test_11.txt, test_12.txt, test_13.txt, test_14.txt, test_15.txt, test_16.txt, test_17.txt, test_18.txt, test_19.txt, test_20.txt, test_21.txt, test_22.txt, test_23.txt, test_24.txt, test_25.txt, test_26.txt, test_27.txt, test_28.txt, test_29.txt, test_30.txt, test_31.txt, test_32.txt, test_33.txt, test_34.txt, test_35.txt, test_36.txt, test_37.txt, test_38.txt, test_39.txt, test_40.txt, test_41.txt, test_42.txt, test_43.txt, test_44.txt, test_45.txt, test_46.txt, test_47.txt, test_48.txt, test_49.txt, test_50.txt, test_51.txt, test_52.txt, test_53.txt, test_54.txt, test_55.txt, test_56.txt, test_57.txt, test_58.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
00_sample_01.txt AC 59 ms 4136 KB
00_sample_02.txt AC 57 ms 4352 KB
00_sample_03.txt AC 57 ms 4140 KB
00_sample_04.txt AC 54 ms 4248 KB
00_sample_05.txt AC 58 ms 4324 KB
00_sample_06.txt AC 60 ms 4136 KB
00_sample_07.txt AC 56 ms 4256 KB
00_sample_08.txt AC 57 ms 4136 KB
test_01.txt AC 57 ms 4256 KB
test_02.txt AC 58 ms 4128 KB
test_03.txt AC 56 ms 4260 KB
test_04.txt AC 57 ms 4132 KB
test_05.txt AC 62 ms 4248 KB
test_06.txt AC 58 ms 4132 KB
test_07.txt AC 56 ms 4132 KB
test_08.txt AC 56 ms 4256 KB
test_09.txt AC 57 ms 4136 KB
test_10.txt AC 63 ms 4132 KB
test_11.txt AC 58 ms 4128 KB
test_12.txt AC 54 ms 4252 KB
test_13.txt AC 55 ms 4132 KB
test_14.txt AC 55 ms 4136 KB
test_15.txt AC 54 ms 4124 KB
test_16.txt AC 56 ms 4252 KB
test_17.txt AC 55 ms 4260 KB
test_18.txt AC 60 ms 4252 KB
test_19.txt AC 55 ms 4260 KB
test_20.txt AC 56 ms 4256 KB
test_21.txt AC 57 ms 4136 KB
test_22.txt AC 59 ms 4136 KB
test_23.txt AC 55 ms 4124 KB
test_24.txt AC 57 ms 4132 KB
test_25.txt AC 55 ms 4248 KB
test_26.txt AC 58 ms 4252 KB
test_27.txt AC 56 ms 4128 KB
test_28.txt AC 56 ms 4136 KB
test_29.txt AC 59 ms 4136 KB
test_30.txt AC 59 ms 4136 KB
test_31.txt AC 56 ms 4132 KB
test_32.txt AC 55 ms 4128 KB
test_33.txt AC 56 ms 4256 KB
test_34.txt AC 54 ms 4132 KB
test_35.txt AC 55 ms 4256 KB
test_36.txt AC 55 ms 4136 KB
test_37.txt AC 57 ms 4240 KB
test_38.txt AC 55 ms 4136 KB
test_39.txt AC 56 ms 4132 KB
test_40.txt AC 55 ms 4256 KB
test_41.txt AC 56 ms 4260 KB
test_42.txt AC 58 ms 4264 KB
test_43.txt AC 56 ms 4264 KB
test_44.txt AC 54 ms 4132 KB
test_45.txt AC 54 ms 4252 KB
test_46.txt AC 56 ms 4132 KB
test_47.txt AC 59 ms 4256 KB
test_48.txt AC 55 ms 4260 KB
test_49.txt AC 56 ms 4132 KB
test_50.txt AC 56 ms 4244 KB
test_51.txt AC 60 ms 4264 KB
test_52.txt AC 56 ms 4252 KB
test_53.txt AC 61 ms 4128 KB
test_54.txt AC 56 ms 4256 KB
test_55.txt AC 60 ms 4128 KB
test_56.txt AC 56 ms 4340 KB
test_57.txt AC 57 ms 4132 KB
test_58.txt AC 55 ms 4132 KB